
   天津华彩顺成装饰材料有限公司将参加本年度的中国广州国际木工机械、家具配料展览会,时间2013年3月27日至30日,我们的展位号是S14.2C02A。届时我公司将在展会上展示2013年流行花色、西班牙Larmigraf 公司合作的原创设计花色及配套同花色的家具包覆膜等产品。届时诚邀阁下莅临参观。

        We cordially invite you to visit our booth at China international Wood  working Machinery & Raw Materials Fair(Interzum Guangzhou), which will be held during  Mar. 27th to 30th, ­2013 at China Import and Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou.Our booth No. is S14.2C02A. We will show new high-quality  printed decor paper;  European original designs from Larmigraf for year 2013; post-impregnated finish   foils, etc. We would like to meet you there to discuss new business cooperation.

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Pre-register online for free entry Cifm.fairwindow.com


Complete the Pre-Registration online at www.cifm-gz.comHBy March 23,2013.Visitors can quickly obtain the free badge at the show′s visitor registration counter with the preregistration′s confirmation letter.

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天津市宝坻区林亭口镇工业园区二纬路  电话:022-29979656  18001162892  传真:022-29979656